G-VZQDTFLEHL Corey McDonald Portrait Artist - Landscape


Artist's Waterfall

Artist's Waterfall

Yellowstone National Park, as my friends will tell you, is the love of my life. I wish I could live there. I’d live in a tree for all I care, so long as I’ve got a camera with me. This is the most iconic waterfall in North America (at least, I hope it is). Artist’s Point is one of the more popular tourist destinations within the park and it’s always packed. We have to get there early to photograph this behemoth with few people in it.

I was with Cris and Deanna Duncan on a Find Your Focus trip in 2022. I didn’t have the right equipment in 2021 so I made sure to make up for that booboo in 2022. I was so excited because I managed to capture the rainbow in the mist as well as the fantastic color coming from the canyon and trees.
This is actually hanging in my house (right behind me as I type this, too) as an acrylic 20x30.

Palo Duro Canyon

Palo Duro Canyon

Texas is home to many great things. I’m hoping to make it my home soon. Perhaps one of the most awesomely beautiful places Texas is home to is Palo Duro Canyon. It’s so cool to stand at the top of the canyon and look into it. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon before so this is as good as it gets for me.

This day was a long one. I had been in Amarillo for a few days and decided to venture out to Canyon and see what I see. There were a few deer out and about, a couple of coyotes, and lots of God’s beauty to behold.

The wide-open space and rocky terrain made perfect elements for some of my storied artwork.

The Heart of Yellowstone

The Heart of Yellowstone

Full-disclosure…the bear may or may not have been there. I’ll never tell.

I forget what this little valley is called but it’s in Yellowstone, looking back toward the mountains. All throughout the landscape are little white dots. Those white dots are actually mule deer butts.

It was about five-thirty in the morning in May 2023 when our Find Your Focus group traveled across the park on our way to Old Faithful and Grand Prismatic. It was glorious light for only the amount of time it took to capture this scene (around 10 seconds). It then became overcast for a while, taking away what little light that managed to shape the mountains.

Harvest Sunset

Harvest Sunset

“Hey Scott, can you park it facing west?”
“Hey Scott, can you save that row for last? It’s going to be in the best light.”
“Hey Scott, can you slow down? I’m trying to capture good stuff but the combine is moving too fast.”

Scott: No.

For those that don’t know, I’ve worked off and on for a friend of mine on his farm. I double-up, having my camera bag on the module builder when picking cotton JUST IN CASE.

I’ve never actually asked the questions at the top and, despite the audacity and ridiculous requests, Scott has never said, “No.” These are actual situations that I’ve had to overcome one way or another when I’m photographing the day-to-day of harvest season.

At the end of the day, sunburn, dust, allergies, and mosquitoes are all worth it for that ONE image.

That was this one.